He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ - Phil 1:6










Methodist Episcopal English Church
Chaderghat, Hyderabad Dn.
1877 - 1937


Within the jurisdiction of the Nizam of Hyderabad and Berar, on the way
to the Hyderabad Broad Gauge Railway Station stands a handsome brick built structure
known as Methodist Episcopal English Church. The Church is not State Church; nor does it
belong to any Local or Foreign Missionary Society; but it strictly self-supporting, the expenses
being defrayed by her members and adherents aided by a grant from
the Nizam’s Government.

In 1874 Captain Winckler who had come for the work of the Nizam’s Guaranteed State
Railway construction began cottage prayer meetings in Secunderabad, and before long
people were attending them from Bolarum and Chaderghat. The next year (1875) Rev. W. M.
Taylor, later made Bishop visited Hyderabad and conducted a series of services which greatly
encouraged the work. In this manner did the work in Hyderabad first begin. The first minister
appointed was the Rev J E Robinson later to become Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal

For some time services were held in a temporary and unsuitable building, but as the result of
a lecture by the Rev C W, Hard, Presiding Elder on November 1 st 1875, it was decided to erect
a Church. Immediately pledges for Rs. 3,400 were made and Mrs Anna Walker, a god fearing

widow, very generously donated a large plot of ground as also a sum of Rs. 150. That was
before 1877. It is a happy coincidence that at this time, in the jubilee year, 1937 we have
received from her estates a further sum of approximately Rs. 800 the residue left after the
execution of her will of her will. A small building which was used as a school and prayer room
was first erected. Later this was demolished. The east wing of the Church now stands on the
same site.

The work of building the Church was commenced almost immediately. The design was carried
out by members and students of the Wilkinson Engineering College. Among those who
actively assisted in building, the names of Stanley Murray, John Hudson, Charles 0' Leary,
Samuel Cornelius, Arnold Moore, Arthur Davis, John Ottley, Tom Scriven, Charles Bouvard
and Cornelius DePenning are easily recalled to mind. Nearly all the members and friends
subscribed a full month’s salary towards the building while some contributed in kind, as for
example doors, benches or chairs. The then British Resident Sir Richard Meade and the then
Prime minister of Hyderabad Sir Salar Jung the First, GCSI of glorious memory, contributed
liberally. The young men of the Engineering College, on fire for the Master’s service, worked
after college hours in carrying the water, digging and laying the foundation, and were
enthusiastically assisted in their manual labours by Mrs Anna Walker and Mrs E A Moore. So
keen and eager were they about their self-imposed task that they worked even in the night
by lamplight.

And so in 1877 rose the completed structure consisting of the East Wing and the Body of the
Church and also a little away a parsonage for the pastor's residence at a total cost of Rs.
25,000 out of which Rs. 22,500 was raised locally from among the member of the church and
sympathizing friends. The deficit of Rs 2,500 was subsequently raised locally and the debt
cleared by the people themselves.

In the same year the Church was dedicated to the Glory of God and for public worship by
Bishop G Andrews assisted by the Rev J E Robinson, Rev James Shaw, Rev George Bowen of
sainted memory, and the Rev Dr Lovat Fraser the father of Sir Andrew Fraser. The Resident
and Lady Meade, clergy of the various Protestant denominations, nobles and an overflowing
number of military and civilian friends were present at this service of dedication of a Labour
of Love.

On this occasion a large glass chandelier was donated by the late Mr C E Marrett. Pastor J E
Robinson who had labored much for the church was transferred and was succeeded by the
Rev James Shaw and Rev W Curtis who were followed in 1879 by the Rev C W Christian.

During the pastorate of the last named school for boys and girls was started and was held in
the Church. The first Headmaster Mr G Woodall, a preacher on trial In the Conference. He
was succeeded by Mr Toussaint who, on the opening of the Baldwin’s High School at
Bangalore, went there as head master. The School, now reduced to a primary girls school was
under the charge of Miss L Taylor, Miss Palmer and Mrs E A Moore successively. This school
ran for many years and in 1893 was taken up by the W. F. M. S. its first appointment reading
Miss L Blackmar English Girls’ School. Miss Blackmar was followed by Miss Wood and Miss
Evans. From this beginning of English work has sprung that institution the Stanley Girls High
School, which today is under the principal ship of a member of this Church, Miss Edith
DeLima, who passed through the self-same school as pupil and teacher before being
appointed its principal.

Among many who began their education in the Church School of Pastor Christian a few
names were remembered: Alfred Gloria, Tom Walker, Frank Edwards, Helen Tenduccey (Dr
Mrs J F Cornelius), Charles Tenduccey, Nettie Moore (Mrs Geo Marret), Patience Moore (Mrs
Bowen) and Saroj Aghornath (now Mrs Sarojini Naidu poetess and politician of international
fame, During Pastor Christian’s time and in the early years, there were regular pastoral visitations,
services, prayer meetings, class meetings, love feasts and a catechist regularly visited the
homes of members and gave religious instruction to their servants. Dorcas classes were also
held and the proceeds there-from used to help the indigent. During the severe famine, rescue
work was carried chiefly among the orphans and homeless under the leadership of Brother
Ward was greatly assisted by the members of the Hyderabad Church, especially Mrs Anna
Walker, Mr A C Davis (Mr Davis gave a bulk of his salary to this cause), and Mr and Mrs A
Moore, the latter dying on the field and is buried there in what is today a lone site but her
name liveth for evermore.

It was also during the time of Pastor Christian that a large dormitory verandah and bathroom
were added to the west side of the parsonage; the west wing of the Church and communion
rails were also completed all this being done by Mr William Marrett as a donation at his own
personal cost.

In 1887 during the Pastorate of Rev G I stone, the Anglo-lndian and European residents of
Chaderghat submitted a memorial to His Highness the late Nizam of Hyderabad of glorious
and blessed memory, requesting a grant to the Church. The memorial was signed by Messers,
Stanley Murray, Henry Croley, Arthur Chamarette, J S. Gloria, C B DePenning, William
Marrett, J J Ottley, C Bouvard, J Martin, John Fredericks with A H Fallon as Secretary to the
official board. His Highness the Nizam was pleased so sanction with effect from the 1st
Shehrevar 1296 Fasli (11 th July 1887) a monthly grant of Rs. 50.

And so the Church continued to grow and minster to the needs of the Christian community in
general and to the Methodist community in particular. Special mention may be made of the
Sunday school. At this time Capt. P K Fallon, one of the most popular of superintendents, had
nearly 150 children on the rolls; and to him must be credited the introduction of such
attractive names such as Mustard seed, Buds of promise, Fruitful branches, Band of hope etc.
for the classes into which he had divided up the Sunday school.

During the Pastorate of the Rev W D Schermorhorn, in 1906 Dr W E Gay who had come over
from the Anglican communion in the early nineties and who had from 1898 almost up to the
time of his death in1922 been an trustee as well as the secretary and treasurer of the Church,
was instrumental in raising funds from which in the same year (1906) the porch was built in
front of the Church. By means of subscriptions and liberal donations from the present Nawab
Salar Jung Bahadur, electric lights were installed to which in the time of the Rev C W Ross
D’Souza the electric fans were added. Dr Gay’s keen labours and interest along with that of
his wife, the late Mrs Jane Gay will always be affectionately remembered. Within the Church,
behind the altar is a beautiful stained glass window given in memory of Mrs Jane Gay by her
husband and at the present time, the Trustees have in hand a certain sum of money, the
nucleus of a fund for a new organ also to be named in her memory.

In 1907 on the representation of the official board an official grant of Rs 100, making a total
of Rs 150 per month, was sanction by HEH the Nizam.

There are a few other memorials in the Church which are also tributes of love and affection.
The font on the east of the altar rails were given by Dr W E Gay in memory of his second wife
Mrs Daisy Gay. Then we have the pulpit light in memory Dr Gay himself, a tribute from the
members of the Church. Dr Gay also presented the two small benches placed on either side at
the top of the body of the church. In 1915 the family of the late Mr Wm J Mathie presented
the communion set in his memory. On the left wall of the church is the tablet to the memory
of Mr Samuel Cornelius, one of the band who labored in the building of the Church. On the
opposite side stands a tablet to the Rev Ross DeSouza given by the members and friends, a
tribute to his labours and the esteem in which he was held. A little further on the left wall is a
tablet to the memory of Rev Chas E Parker erected by the members and friends of the church
to one who spent and was spent in the service of his master. On the wall behind the pulpit
may be seen as brass tablet to the memory of Dr A Chamarette erected by his family.

In the west wing of the church stands a steel safe, containing church records and vessels the
gift of the Paul family in memory of their father Rev Benjamin Paul, who also labored as a
Local Preacher in the Church. One of the beneficent items of his service when treasurer of the
Official Board was the collecting of Rs 2000 by his personal effort from cities outside the
dominion to clear a debt of the church.

During the last decade of the 19 th Century, Dr George Nundy and Mrs Nundy associated
themselves with this church. The former held the office of trustee for many years and Mrs
Nundy taught in the Sunday school. A gift of a silver cup for communion was presented by
them to the church.

In the time of Rev R C Grose by means of donations and subscriptions raised from among
members and friends, the official board were able to put the top story on the parsonage. The
work being carried out by Mr Muller of Secunderabad.

From here we pass on to 1913, the time of Rev C W Ross DeSouza, when we find in existence
a home and school for Anglo- Indian children orphaned or of indigent parentage, situated in
kotha busti. This institution was supported by the ladies aids society and by the members and
friends of the church under the direction of the pastor who was himself an educationist. After
a term of several years, owing to changing circumstances it was closed down.

We rapidly move on to 1927 when in the term of Rev Judson T Perkins the west side of the
parsonage was reconditioned, the old tile roof being entirely removed and a jack arch roof
taking its place. The cost of this was entirely met by subscriptions and donations from
members and friends.

During Rev C E Parker’s pastor ship, the teak panel dais inside the communion rails was
improved by paving it and the semicircular passage between it and the communion rails with
minton tiles; at the same time a platform for the choir was built.

And so we, who are privileged to see this great year, are the beneficiaries of the memorable
church for worship, which is situated in the heart of our city and is equipped with a
parsonage for the residence of the Pastor of the church. The property is legally registered and
its title deeds are in safe custody.

This church by the goodwill and consent of the beneficiaries also provides a place of worship
for Hindustani speaking and Telugu speaking congregations built up from the foundation of
English Methodism.

We close the Diamond jubilee year and this generation now sets its face towards the
Centenary of the foundation of this church. Many of us, before the arrival of that time, will
have passed on; to some it may be given to see that year. Let us, therefore, so live and work
that the heritage given to us by our predecessors who have gone before shall continue to
grow and inspire us to press forward toward the supreme ideal of our faith in Jesus Christ.

Methodist Episcopal English Church
Chaderghat, Hyderabad Dn.
1877 - 2013

Roll of Pastors 1874 – 1937

1874 James Shaw
1875 – 77 J E Robinson
W E Curties
1878 James Shaw
W E Curties
1879 – 81 C W Christian
1882 – 84 R E Carter
1885 – 86 Jas Lyons
1887 – 89 G L Stone
1890 – 93 G K Gilder
1894 – 95 G K Gilder
W D Waller
1896 W D Waller
W L King
1897 – 1900 W H Batstone
1900 W L King
1901 – 05 R C Grose
1906 A H Baker
1906 – 09 W D Schermerhorn
1909 E Saunderson
1910 W L King
1910 F D Campbell
1911 – 13 C W Ross De Souza
1914 – 15 H F Hilmer
1916 – 18 G Roge
1918 – 22 A S Booth
1923 – 25 Charles E Parker
1925 – 29 J T Perkins
1929 – 31 M D Ross
1931 John Patterson
1931 – 33 G B Garden
1933 W L Clarke
1934 – 35 G B Garden
1935 – 39 J E McEldowney
1940 – 41 Alfred E Atkinson
1941 – 42 S K Page
1942 – 46 Charles L Swan
1946 - V B Paranjyothy